Sunday, October 7, 2007


Saturday night--Outreach on the Bordwalk

The team spent an eventful night sharing the love of Jesus with people on a boardwalk in Daytona Beach Florida. Sue(Raven Daytona Beach) and I spent time ministering to two young men named Rob and Tye.

After a few moments Tye left Rob behind to talk to us while he wandered off and had conversation with Ed(Raven Canada) and Jeff(Raven Mid-West). Rob had an awareness of God. He informed us that he didn't want to make a decision for Jesus because he didn't want to "mess with God", wanting his decision to be real when he made one.
After the truth was made plain to him he was ready to make a life-changing decision for Jesus. Later it was revealed to us that Tye was a Christian and it was his heart's desire for Rob to meet Jesus. Seeds had already been planted...and in that moment it was time to reap the harvest. It took a team willing and obedient to do the work of the Lord.