Friday, December 7, 2007
Lindsay Outreach
The day started off with baking chocolate chip cookies and butter tarts for the homeless and needy of Lindsay area.
Mary, Jesse and Wanita made an awesome team.
Pastor Marion, Ed and I went out on the inviting people to the Upper Room for a Hot Roast Beef Sandwhich dinner. It was very invigorating in the Lord going from house to house roundind up the folks.
We were able to share the love of Jesus with this man. Prior to leaving, I grabbed some boots and a coat that someone had given me. Ron was in need of a new coat. We were able to give him this coat. This has inspired us to have a coat drive for the homeless and needy.
Ron, Wanda, Rebecca, Sarah, Linda ,Arlene and Pastor Marion. We are all sitting at the table fellowshipping after we have finished eating a hot roast beef sandwhich dinner. Rebecca are Sarah are two young inspiring girls. Sarah's mother actually resides above the outreach centre. I know that amazing things have been and are going to continue happen in Lindsay!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Thursday evening group has just finished a Bible Study on Nahum. Previous to that we were studying Jonah.
The Books of Jonah and Nahum are direct contrasts. Both are books concerning the people of Ninevah. These people were very pagan involved with witchcraft, prostitution and plundering in war.
In the book of Jonah, the Ninevites urgently call out unto the Lord and repent. God has compassion on the people and relents and does not bring on them the threatened destruction. What a loving compassionate God we serve!
Now almost 150 years pass by and the people of Ninevah are back to their pagan lifestyle. (This would only be a passing of few generations). The people had forgotten about God's compassion and who He was.
He is a forgiving God. A God that is slow to anger and great in power(Nahum 1:3). He is also a God that takes vengence on those who oppose Him and His kingdom. He says he will not leave the guilty unpunished. Nahum brings about prophecy regarding Ninevah's coming doom.
The Assyrians were people who fought a vicious fight. They were known for their battles. They were also back to their pagan lifestyle. How much more could God tolerate?
Nahum prophesizes that the wicked would no longer invade Judah(Nahum 2:15). They would be completely destroyed. That is exactly what happen Ninevah was destroyed.
These Bible prophecies are no different than today. We live a very sinful world. Are we as a church living in true repentance? Have we truly called out to God? Do we even know what living in righteousness is? Or are we like the Ninevites living a life of sin?
Canada used to be a nation that stood on moral and Godly principles. After all look at the inscriptions on the Peace Tower Give the king thy judgments, O God."(Psalm 72:1) and where there is no vision, the people perish."(Proverbs 29:19) "He shall have dominion from sea to sea." Psalm 72:8.
Are we allowing Him to have full control from sea to sea? When I was a child daily devotions and the Lord's Prayer was part of the ciriculum. If that went against your cultural or religious practice you had the choice to step out in the hall for a few minutes. The teacher's were allowed to evangelize.
The Christmas Celebration was about Jesus. We had Christmas pageants with manger scenes and sang carols. Now we call it Happy Holidays because we don't want to offend anyone. Where has the Christ gone out of Christmas? We have been turned into the melting pot society where all religious practices are tolerated. We are living in world that is involved in sexual immorality, prostitution, idolatry and materialism...and the list goes on.
It is my prayer that Canada would take a stand against the devils schemes. Let us come boldly before the throne with repentant hearts and live a life right standing before the Lord!
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