The day started off with baking chocolate chip cookies and butter tarts for the homeless and needy of Lindsay area.
Mary, Jesse and Wanita made an awesome team.
Pastor Marion, Ed and I went out on the inviting people to the Upper Room for a Hot Roast Beef Sandwhich dinner. It was very invigorating in the Lord going from house to house roundind up the folks.
We were able to share the love of Jesus with this man. Prior to leaving, I grabbed some boots and a coat that someone had given me. Ron was in need of a new coat. We were able to give him this coat. This has inspired us to have a coat drive for the homeless and needy.
Ron, Wanda, Rebecca, Sarah, Linda ,Arlene and Pastor Marion. We are all sitting at the table fellowshipping after we have finished eating a hot roast beef sandwhich dinner. Rebecca are Sarah are two young inspiring girls. Sarah's mother actually resides above the outreach centre. I know that amazing things have been and are going to continue happen in Lindsay!